We make minimalist goods for every home + home decor for the every day florist.


Our ceramic Hand-Ribbed Series is meant to stay on display - with or without florals. No more mismatched vases taking up storage in your cabinets. We offer a cohesive collection to make a luscious bouquet, a petite arrangement, a dried creation, just a few stems, a dainty leafy bundle, and so on, all work together beautifully in your home.



Premium Materials: Our products are made from natural materials and are non-toxic! Our ceramics are watertight, food, microwave, oven and dishwasher safe.
Limited Production: We are a limited edition concept and limit our production. We only make what we need, and ensure the utmost quality of our products by creating small batches.
Hand Crafted: Our products are artfully designed. The ceramics are carved by hand from top-to-bottom and all stones are finished by hand.
Sustainability: As an environmentally conscious brand, we pledge to create reusable and recyclable packaging whenever we can.
100% Women Owned: Unisex goods, but proudly women owned. We’re not a solo artist nor a big box home decor shop - we operate in the intersection of the two.